Mama Sauce + SmarterChains

Mama Sauce Journey to a Smart Factory

  • Industry - Consumer Goods | Food |
  • Region - Saudi Arabia

41% of our current operations cost could be recovered

200x faster assessment and time to insight with multiple scenarios

10% recovered value with only one solution implementation

Mama Sauce, a $100 million food manufacturing plant in Saudi Arabia, embarked on a transformative journey towards becoming a smart factory by leveraging the Value Intelligence Platform provided by SmarterChains and its local partner, IIOT Solutions.

This initiative was part of a broader program launched by Saudi Arabia in Q4 2023 to support manufacturing companies in assessing and adopting IR4.0 technologies. The initial assessment phase, completed in just three weeks, marked the beginning of a successful partnership that enabled Mama Sauce to uncover hidden value and secure substantial investment for technological advancements.

The Journey to Smart Factory

Sponsored by the Ministry of Industry & Minerals, the transformation began with a comprehensive IR4.0 technology maturity assessment. Utilizing the Value Intelligence Platform, Mama Sauce identified key value pools and developed a strategic plan to address operational inefficiencies. This process involved seven crucial steps, culminating in a detailed investment proposal presented to the executive board.

Key Steps in the Process:

  1. Rapid Onboarding and Value Finder Analysis:
    • Mama Sauce's team quickly adopted the Value Finder tool to identify hidden value pools within their operations.
    • Within a few weeks, they achieved a standardized view of value pools, clear internal alignment, and prioritized areas for improvement.
  2. Value Builder and Business Case Development:
    • Working closely with SmarterChains and IIOT Solutions, Mama Sauce developed several business case scenarios.
    • These scenarios focused on recovering priority value pools and evaluating the financial viability of proposed solutions.
    • Quick iterations of business proposals led to a robust scenario that gained board approval.
  3. Implementation of Collaborative Robots (Cobots):
    • The focus areas included palletizing and case forming, which represented significant operator effort losses.
    • Mama Sauce benchmarked various five-year horizon business cases and selected the most viable options, involving multiple cobots for different operational tasks.

Financial and Operational Impact

The investment required for the proposed technology solutions was substantial, but the cost-benefit analysis showed a positive cash flow turning point by the fourth quarter of the fourth year. The implementation of collaborative robots (Cobots) promised to reduce operator effort losses significantly, streamline processes, and enhance overall efficiency.

Key Financial Highlights

  • Investment Required: Detailed in the business case, covering various cobot deployments across different lines.
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis: Projected positive cash flow by Year 4, Q4, indicating a strong return on investment.

Strategic Advantages

The adoption of Industry 4.0 technologies provided Mama Sauce with several strategic advantages, reinforcing its position as a pioneer in the region:

  1. Government Collaboration and Recognition:
    • The project received support and recognition from the KSA government's Future Factory Program.
  2. Industry 4.0 Leadership:
    • Mama Sauce established itself as a technology pioneer in Industry 4.0 within Saudi Arabia.
  3. Access to Funding:
    • Participation in the SIDF Loan Program, which offered interest-free loans for the investment.
  4. Market and Sales Benefits:
    • Enhanced market recognition due to the focus on technology and quality.
  5. Employee Skill Development:
    • The initiative helped build automation skills among employees, enabling future cost avoidance related to low-cost labor.


Mama Sauce's transformation journey, facilitated by Smarterchains' Value Intelligence Platform, showcases the significant impact of strategic technology investments in the manufacturing sector. By uncovering hidden value and implementing cutting-edge solutions, Mama Sauce not only improved its operational efficiency but also positioned itself as a leader in smart manufacturing within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

This case study highlights the potential of Industry 4.0 technologies to drive substantial improvements in productivity and financial performance, providing a model for other manufacturing companies to follow.

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white paper

An Industry 4.0 Framework to create Smart and Sustainable Factories