One Platform, many reasons to start the Journey
1000s factories use Smarterchains to identify hidden value in their operations, run multiple business cases, and execute on the most relevant opportunities to improve efficiency and profitability.
Book a DemoWhy factories need the Smarterchains Value Intelligence Platform?
Operational Inefficiencies
Every Factory has them.
The challenge is how to identify and quantify them at scale
Prioritization Issues
What initiative to start with? What project will provide the most value?
Most factories are uncertain about the outcome of their value recovery investments and hesitate in making decisions.
Financial Evaluations
Quantifying value requires standardization and knowledge that most factories don't have.
Benchmarking investment scenarios becomes complex and projections with Vendors data are unreliable.
Inadequate Data Utilization
Data overload is not going to get any easier.
Unstructured, non-standardized data lead to non-actionable insights.
Technology Adoption
What technologies can effectively solve current challenges?
Factories struggle to harness the full capabilities of Industry 4.0, to benchmark options and link them to their specific operations.
Vendors Management
Vendors care about selling. Factories care about profit and efficiency improvement.
How to match these two contrasting objectives and make the right investment choices?