Accelerate your Journey towards the Factory of the Future
Whether you are at the beginning of your Smart Factory Journey or well advanced, the Smart Factory Toolbox has something for you.
Manufacturer Portal: Your Smart Factory Control Panel
Accessing all the tools and knowledge you need to accelerate the journey towards your Smart Factory should be easy.
For this reasons we have packed the best Industry 4.0 tools and knowledge all in one place, your Manufacturer Portal.
Smart Factory Assessment
What is your technological maturity?
How do your plants benchmark internally and against the industry?
These are key questions to address before investing in new technologies for hidden value and advancing towards the Factory of the Future.
The Smart Factory Assessment helps you gauge your plant’s technological maturity and benchmark it internally and externally in just hours.
Whether you use your own or third-party assessments, our interface integrates with all.
Connect with Value Builder for better value pool insights
Smart Factory Technology Roadmaps
It’s never one technology. A Smart Factory requires a series of technology investments and for this you need a Technology Roadmap.
Our Smart Factory Technology Roadmap allows you to build and visualize endless Roadmaps and if you connect it with Value Builder, your technology investments will be lined up with the exact Value Opportunity that you can recover with them.
Smart Factory Academy
Industry 4.0 language can be complex.
Educate your teams through the Smart Factory Academy and get everybody on the same page.
Once everyone speaks the same language, projects run 10X faster.