Smarterchains for Private Equities
Improve assets valuation by unlocking millions of hidden value in factories across sectors, rapidly and at scale.
Why Private Equities work with Smarterchains Value Intelligence Platform?
Maximise ROI on Investments
Map all hidden value pools across all factories owned, identify biggest opportunities and define best investment scenarios for maximum ROI
Standardize & Scale Rapidly
With many assets under management, your teams need a standardized approach that can quickly scale while providing tangible additional value for your investments.
Easily Benchmark Investments
Harmonize your analysis of different portfolio companies, their level of technological maturity and the value pools hidden in their operations.
Within the same sector and across sectors.
Transparent Value Tracking
Standardize how your portfolio companies report value pools opportunities and present investment initiatives.
Create consistent reporting on implementations performance and drive scale
Risk Mitigation
Understand challenges of existing and future (deal flow) factories to mitigate risks and plan for operational initiatives to secure investments.
Vendors Management
Vendors care about selling.
You care about profitability increases.
Easily identify common business cases across your portfolio and strike multi-company deals with vendors.