Factory of the Future
Factory of the Future is a manufacturing operation that leverages cutting-edge technologies, data and best practices to fuel growth through margin development while reducing operational costs.

Key Elements of the Factory of the Future operations:
Decisions are based on readily available data
Leadership promotes out of the box thinking
Systems and assets are inter-connected
Easily adapts into market change and demand
Operations are highly automated

10 Industry 4.0 Dimensions
SmarterChains has developed the Factory of the Future Framework, under 3 circles of capabilities. These 3 circles serve, as key enablers of the 10 Industry 4.0 Dimensions.
The 10 Industry 4.0 Dimensions framework
People enablers
Leadership and Organization
This is what makes the different parts in the Framework work in harmony.
Tech enablers
Technology and Infrastructure
The specific technology solutions that ensure the functionality of other functions.
Processes enablers
Core Functions of a plant
Includes the processes that drive the conversions of raw materials into finished products.
The Journey needs a compass!
SmarterChains has developed the Framework of the 10 Dimensions in order to make sure that all the 4 levels of the Journey are being chartered in a systemic, easy to understand, and also in a way that it can relate to current operational excellence.
your team with our online Industry 4.0 Training Courses and bring your people to the same level of understanding to embrace and lead the change.
your digital transformation by measuring your digital maturity and benchmark your capabilities. Obtain a 360° view of your plants’ operations loss drivers.
your plant and enterprise strategy for Industry 4.0, and determine the value and implementation characteristics. Discover the Industry 4.0 Vendor Marketplace.
your digital transformation strategy, scale learnings across the enterprise and drive internal adoption.